Documentary on the life, development, and influences on Miles Davis.|BEHIND THE SCENES WITH MILES DAVIS - SERIES: Miles Davis radio project| no. 6 Documentary on the life, development, and influences on Miles Davis. - CONTENT: Pt.1. Studio outtakes, development of the tune "Budo," outtakes from "Saeta" from Sketches of Spain, work with Shorter, Hancock, Williams and Carter -- pt.2. Comparison of Miles' old and new recording styles, and a tour through the creation of Miles' Grammy award winning "Tutu" -- pt.3. The only rehearsal recording of Miles Davis, deomstration of Miles' work in a band. - BROADCAST: Satellite, 24 Oct. 1990.
pt.1. Studio outtakes ; development of the tune "Budo" ; outtakes from "Saeta" from Sketches of Spain ; work with Shorter, Hancock, Williams and Carter -- pt.2. Comparison of Miles' old and new recording styles ; a tour through the creation of Miles' Grammy award winning "Tutu" -- pt.3. The only rehearsal recording of Miles Davis ; demonstration of Miles' work in a band.