Last in a thirteen part series which explores the state of the Supreme Court in the 1990's, following the tremendous turnover during the Reagan and Bush years.|THE BILL OF RIGHTS UNDER REHNQUIST / Arthur Kinoy and Judith Reed. SERIES: Supreme court watch : the high court in transition : no. 13 Last in a thirteen part series which explores the state of the Supreme Court in the 1990's, following the tremendous turnover during the Reagan and Bush years. CONTENT: Kinoy, Professor of law at Rutgers University School of Law, and Reed, attorney at the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, discuss the erosion of the Bill of Rights under the Rehnquist Court, and the legacy of Justice Brennan in defending the need to interpret the Constitution as a living document. BROADCAST: Satellite, 20 Nov. 1990.
Kinoy, Professor of law at Rutgers University School of Law, and Reed, attorney at the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, discuss the erosion of the Bill of Rights under the Rehnquist Court, and the legacy of Justice Brennan in defending the need to interpret the Constitution as a living document.