Richard Harris, educator, writer and social activist, discusses how he became critical of American society. While teaching at the University, he became aware that education, critical thinking, and interest in students was not valued. He thus began to question the educational system. He them became involved in the anti-Vietnam war and civil rights movements, which raised his awareness of the unjust social order. He explains how people become co-opted into the stutus quo, and the rewards for conformity. The authorities feel threatened by people who question their power, and our society has sophisticated social control techniques. He now sees his main role as an educator who de-mystifies social reality and exposes the lies on which the soical system operates.|BECOMING CRITICAL OF AMERICAN SOCIETY / Richard Harris| interviewed by Bob DeBolt. - Richard Harris, educator, writer and social activist, discusses how he became critical of American society. While teaching at the University, he became aware that education, critical thinking, and interest in students was not valued. He thus began to question the educational system. He them became involved in the anti-Vietnam war and civil rights movements, which raised his awareness of the unjust social order. He explains how people become co-opted into the stutus quo, and the rewards for conformity. The authorities feel threatened by people who question their power, and our society has sophisticated social control techniques. He now sees his main role as an educator who de-mystifies social reality and exposes the lies on which the soical system operates. - RECORDED: 6 Sept. 1991.
Becoming critical of American society / Richard Harris ; interviewed by Bob DeBolt.
Program Title:
Becoming critical of American society / Richard Harris ; interviewed by Bob DeBolt.
PRA Archive #:
Date Recorded on:
6 Sept. 1991.
Date Broadcast on:
Item duration:
1 reel (29 min.) : 7 1/2 ips., mono.|29:00
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1991.
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