Breaking The Blacklist

Program Title:
Breaking The Blacklist
PRA Archive #: 

Breaking The Blacklist / produced by Celeste Wesson and Sara Fishko. - Documentary about the blacklist: how it worked, how it affected people, how it was broken, and the current wave of interest in the blacklist. Among the voices: Ring Lardner, Otto Preminger, Gail Sondergard, Yip Harburg, Jay Gorney, Dalton Trumbo, Kirk Douglas, John Randolph, Ernest Kinoy, David Shaw, Walter Bernstein, Howard DaSilva, Joe Julian, Jesse Lasky, Millard Lampel, John Henry Faulk, Bella Abzug, Martin Popper, Ron Radosh, Norman Markowitz, and Michael Harrington. Received Armstong award, 1977. - BROADCAST: WBAI, 12 Dec. 1976.

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