Criminalization Of Poverty / Oliver Rolmado, Margaret Prescott, Sabin Virgo| moderated by Cyrus Noveen and Gwen Walters. - SERIES: Crime, peace and justice week| no. 5 Panel discussion on the transformation of poverty from a social problem to a crime. Panelists look at the concentration of 30% of our national wealth into the hands of .5% of the population, which has increased the power of the monied elite. They trace the historical reality surrounding the illegality of being poor, from the 1830's to the present. They conclude by discussing ways to solve homelessness. PANEL: Oliver Rolmanado, Pro-Immigrant Mobilization Coalition| Margaret Prescott, Black Women for Wager for Housework| Sabin Virgo, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. - BROADCAST: KPFK, 17 May 1994.
Criminalization Of Poverty
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Criminalization Of Poverty
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