Reproductive Rights And The Status Of Women / produced by Ginny Z. Berson| executive producer Bill Wax| hosted by Larry Bensky. SERIES: Pacfica's national town hall meetings| no. 3 Program of panel discussions, listener call-ins and special reports which examines, on the eve of the Republican National Convention, the status of women in the United States. PARTICIPANTS: Stacy Bloom, Western Regional Director of Republicans for Choice| Adriana Chamyan, founding member of Students Organizing Students and currently presiding as its National Student Coordinator| Colleen Parro, Executive Director of the Republican National Coalition for Life, an organization founded in response to pro-choice Republicans' attempts to remove pro-life planks from the Party platform| Ralph Reed, Jr., Executive Director of the Christian Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to mobilizing Christians for effective political action. - BROADCAST: Satellite, 16 Aug. 1992.