Democracy Now : March 12 :cia Hearings

Program Title:
Democracy Now : March 12 :cia Hearings
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DEMOCRACY NOW : MARCH 12 : CIA HEARINGS / Pacifica Foundation| Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - CONTENT: CIA HEARINGS| Broadcasting from the Hart Senate office, on the confirmation hearings on President Clinton's nominee for director of Central Intelligence Commmittee's long awaited confirmation hearings| tape of Richard Shelby, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee| Co-host Lou Wolf, editor of the Covert Action Quarterly and Jacob Heilbrunn, a journalist who profiled Anthony Lake in the March 24th issue of the New Republic. (20:00) -- pt.2. CIA Hearings| guest Ken Silverstein, co-editor of the Washington based newsletter, Counterpunch. (20:00) -- pt.3. More on the hearings (17:00) - Broadcast on March 12, 1997.

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