A Rosenberg Remembrance

Program Title:
A Rosenberg Remembrance
PRA Archive #: 

A Rosenberg Remembrance / Robert Meeropol. - Robert Meeropol, son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, speaks about his childhood when his parents were tried and executed for espionage, support of the progressive community and the birth of the Rosenberg Children's Fund. The Fund was established to support progressive organizations which nurture the next generation of progressive children. He explains the new wave of attacks on environmental activists and how the Fund hopes to help their children. CONTENT: r.1. Talk (45 min.) -- r.2. Question and answer session (30 min.). - RECORDED: 20 Aug. 1992. BROADCAST: KPFA, June 1993. - !!RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS!! For cassette copies, contact Radio Free Main (207) 662-6629.

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