Democracy Now! September 24, 1998

Program Title:
Democracy Now! September 24, 1998
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Racist Float; Government Pries into Women's Sex Lives

(14 minutes) Racist Float The murder of James Byrd Jr. in Jasper, Texas earlier this year remains a graphic reminder of the race-based crimes that continue to be committed in this country. The murder was reenacted this past labor day, by white men in blackface in a parody of the killing on a float in a Labor Day parade called Black to the Future. Several of the men who participated are members of the NYC Police and Fire Departments. GUEST: Norman Seigel, exec. dir. of the New York Civil Liverties Union. GUEST: Ron Hampton, Exec. dir.of the National Black Police Association. (55 Minutes) Government Pries ino Women's Sex Lives The claims that Ken Starr's investigation in the president's sex life is an invasion of his privacy rings hypocritical to many women's rights activists. Clinton's Welfare Reform Act includes provisions for establishing paternity and requiring child support that women's advocates describe as harsh and invasive. GUEST: Suri Duitch, Staff Associate for the Health and Mental Health Program at the Citizens' Committee for Children. GUEST: Mink, Prof. of Politics at UC-Santa Cruz and author of BOOK: WELFARE'S END. GUEST: Mimi ABramovitz, author of BOOK: REGULATING THE LIVES OF WOMEN: SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY FROM COLONIAL TIME TO THE PRESENT and BOOK: UNDER ATTACK, FIGHTIG BACK: WOMEN AND WELFARE IN THE UNITED STATES.

Date Recorded on: 
September 24, 1998
Date Broadcast on: 
September 24, 1998
Item duration: 
WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman, September 24, 1998
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