Program Title:
Democracy Now! August 22, 2001
Series Title:
PRA Archive #:
First Amendment rights vs. access to clinics & workplaces Summary: Buffer zones -- around women's clinics, around gatherings of international financiers.
First Amendment rights vs. access to clinics & workplaces Summary: Buffer zones -- around women's clinics, around gatherings of international financiers. Recorded at a safe location in New York, while the Democracy Now! staff is physically threatened to keep them out of their regular studio and suspended without pay for Featuring: Amy Goodman & guests Recorded At: Downtown Community Television, New York [source:]
Date Recorded on:
August 22, 2001
Date Broadcast on:
August 22, 2001
Item duration:
59 min.
WPFW; Kris Abrams, and Brad Simpson. Anthony Sloan, Technical Director. August 22, 2001

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