Twelve half-hour programs which explore new ways of thinking about all music: classical, jazz, folk, rock, etc. Includes talk as well as musical examples. Explores such issues as: the impact of commerce on musical taste, the effect of technology, the human body, language, and the brain upon music.|TECHNOLOGY / produced by Deborah Jane Lamberton and Karl Signell. SERIES: The Nature of music| no. 10. Twelve half-hour programs which explore new ways of thinking about all music: classical, jazz, folk, rock, etc. Includes talk as well as musical examples. Explores such issues as: the impact of commerce on musical taste, the effect of technology, the human body, language, and the brain upon music. Received the Armstrong Foundation and the Gold Medal awards. PARTICIPANTS: Yehudi Menuhin, violinist| Betty Carter, jazz singer| Marina Roseman, anthropologist| Howard Gardner, neuropsychologist| Mitch Miller, producer| Martin Williams, jazz critic. BROADCAST: 16 June 1987.