Part of a thirteen part series which explores the state of the Supreme Court in the 1990's, following the tremendous turnover during the Reagan and Bush years.|CRIMINAL LAW AND THE DEATH PENALTY, PART 2 / Susan Herman, Steven Hawkins, Vernice Miller, and Philip Tajitsu Nash. SERIES: Supreme court watch : the high court in transition| no. 12 Part eleven in a thriteen part series which explores the state of the Supreme Court in the 1990's, following the tremendous turnover during the Reagan and Bush administrations. CONTENT: Herman, Professor Law and Brookly Law School, Hawkins, NAACP Staff Attorney, Miller, from the Center for Constitutional Law, and Nahs, from CUNY Law School, discuss details of upcoming Supreme Court cases, ideas for organizing legislatures, and efforts to bring more justice to criminal law. BROADCAST: Satellite, Nov. 1990.
Herman, Professor of Law at Brookly Law School, Hawkins, NAACP Staff Attorney, Miller, from the Center for Constitutional Law, and Tajitsu-Nash, from CUNNY Law School, discuss details of upcoming Supreme Court cases, ideas for organizing legislatures, and efforts to bring more justice to criminal law.