The recording is of a benefit concert for the Sunset Hall retirement home in Los Angeles, which provides housing for senior citizens who have dedicated their lives to social action movements. The host provides a brief history and purpose of Sunset Hall. Ross Altman begins by singing "The Ballad of Sunset Hall". Pete Seeger sings "Abiyoyo", "We Shall Not Be Moved", "Stay on Freedom", "Soon Mama", "My Whole World", "Viva La Quince Brigada", "My Experiences as a Folk Singer in Franco's Spain", "When the Love Come Tumbling Down", "Four fables", and "There Goes That Little Bird".<br><br>Restricted distribution rights. <br>Contains performances of copyrighted music. <br><br>The first 45 seconds of recording needs editing.
History and purpose of Sunset Hall : an introduction -- The 1990 financial crisis -- The Ballad of Sunset Hall / Ross Altman -- The Boy with a yoyo / story by Pete Seeger -- We shall not be moved -- Stay on freedom -- Soon mama -- My whole world -- a song in Spanish -- My experiences as a folk singer in Franco's Spain / Pete Seeger -- When the love come tumbling down -- Four fables / Pete Seeger -- There goes that little bird.