Byllye Avery, founder and Executive Director of the National Black Women's Health Project in Atlanta, discusses the philosophy of the NBWHP, and some of its self-help projects including: self-help groups for women who are homeless, sex education for teenage girls and their families, cancer prevention groups, and ten nationwide networks of self-help groups especially designed to meet the needs of Black women.|NATIONAL BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECT / Byllye Avery| interviewed by Sue Supriano. - SERIES: Steppin' out of Babylon| no. 36 - Byllye Avery, founder and Executive Director of the national Black Women's Health Project in Atlanta, discusses the philosophy of the N.B.W.H.P. and some of its self-help projects including: self-help groups for women who are homeless, sex education for tennage girls and their families, cancer prevention groups, anf teh nationwide network of self-help groups especially designed to meet the needs of Black women. - RECORDED: 1990.