Thirteen part series focusing on the pioneering females of country and old time music. Each program is a portrait of a different artist, illustrating her contribution to developing the genre.|RAMONA JONES : FIDDLER'S CHOICE / produced by Rachel Anne Goodman. SERIES: Southern songbirds : the women of early country music| no. 1 - Thirteen part series focusing on the pioneering females of country and old time music. Each program is a portrait of a different artists illustrating her contribution to developing the genre. - CONTENT: Jones was one of the first woman fiddlers at the Grand Ole Opry. She has played since 1935, and recounts her childhood ambitions. - BROADCAST: Satellite, Apr. 1990.
Jones was one of the first women fiddlers at the Grand Ole Opry. She has played since 1935, and recounts her childhood ambitions.