Crossroads / produced by Elisabeth Perez-Luna.

Program Title:
Crossroads / produced by Elisabeth Perez-Luna.
PRA Archive #: 

Ongoing weekly radio newsmagazine focusing upon minority issues and broader issues from a minority perspective. Produced by independent producers and includes commentaries and reviews by established critics, artists and writers.|CROSSROADS / produced by Elizabeth Perez-Luna. - Ongoing weekly radio newsmagazine focusing upon minority issues and broader issues from a minority perspective. Produced by independent producers and includes commentaries and reviews by established critics, artists and writers. - CONTENT: Weed and Seed : Bush's response to urban problems / Alex Fryer (5:57) -- Ann Peebles and Otis Clay : latest releases / reviewed by Randall Grass (4:10) -- Rituals of summer in New York's Puerto Rican community / David Isay (4:16) -- Petroglyph National Monument in Albuquerque / Marcos Martinez (4:29) -- Flamenco Dancer Rosa Montoya| profiled by Stephane O'Neill (5:07). - BROADCAST: Satellite, 24 July 1992.

Weed and Seed : Bush's response to urban problems / Alex Fryer (5:57) -- Ann Peebles and Otis Clay : latest releases / reviewed by Randall Grass (4:10) -- Rituals of summer in New York's Puerto Rican community / David Isay (4:16) -- Petroglyph National Monument in Albuquerque / Marcos Martinez (4:29) -- Flamenco Dancer Rosa Montoya ; profiled by Stephane O'Neill (5:07).

Date Recorded on: 
Date Broadcast on: 
Satellite, 24 July 1992.
Item duration: 
1 reel (60 min.) : 7 1/2 ips., mono.|60:00
Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1992.
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