Actuality of student protests against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley.|THE CAR TOP RALLY - Actuality of student protests against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. Young Republican speaker explains how the protest is wrong, and that the school administration should stand up to outside pressures in resisting the student demonstration| reading of open letter about the rights of students, written by Political Science and Economics T.A.'s| Mike Tiger presents history of administration policies| Darryl Meyers, a non-student, explains how this battle effects everyone in the community| Jim Peters asks for approval of read statement| student thinks the action is unconstitutional| Dick Romon discusses the state of negotiations. Free Speech Movement. RECORDED: University of California, Berkeley, 2 Oct. 1964.
Young Republican speaker explains how the protest is wrong, and that the school administration should stand up to outside pressures in resisting the student demonstration; reading of open letter about the rights of students, written by Political Science and Economics T.A.'s; Mike Tiger presents history of administration policies; Darryl Meyers, a non-student, explains how this battle effects everyone in the community; Jim Peters asks for approval of read statement; student thinks the action is unconstitutional; Dick Roman discusses the state of negotiations.