This is the 12th in a series of 13 episodes. This program contains excerpts from sermons, political gatherings and speeches, interviews with religious and political leaders, school children, attorneys, and sociologists. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri; and the California Council for the Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Bicentennial Edition researched, edited, and produced by Adi Gevins, 1987, engineered by David Rapkin, announcer, Brenda Wilson; original program produced by Deborah Amos, 1982.
KPFA Folio, December 1987, p. 23: Prayer in the Public Schools. In 1980, the religious right was just entering American politics and prayer in the public schools was their most unifying issue. Now they are part of mainstream politics and the President has called for voluntary prayer in the schools. Far more reaching than simply prayer in schools, this program discusses the involvement of religious organizations in the political process and updates discussion on the relation of church and state as established in the First Amendment. The program mixes excerpts from religious sermons, political gatherings and speeches; interviews with religious and political leaders, children, attorneys and sociologists; and music. Participants include: Barry Lynn, ACLU; Ken Briggs, author and former Religious Editor, New York Times; Ed McAteer, Relgious Roundtable; Matt Smyth, The Christian Voice; author Leo Pfeffer.