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Program Title:
Look Me In The Eye: Old Women, Aging, And Ageism / Barbara Macdonald; Produced By Ginny Z. Berson.
PRA Archive #:
Reel 1 of an Autobiographical sketch by the co-author of a collection of essays about growing old as a woman (published by Spinsters Ink.), Barbara MacDonald, discusses the course she and Cynthia Rich (co-author) have taken while encountering the obstacles of invisibility, poverty, fear of death, and alienation. MacDonald refuses to be dismissed as useless, sexless, or senile. Produced for KPFA Women's Department by Ginny Z. Berson. Self contained.
Date Recorded on:
May ?, 1984
Date Broadcast on:
May 12, 1984.
Item duration:
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KPFA, 1984.
Rights Summary:
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230, Mark@PacificaRadioArchives.org