Production reels from a tribute to the life of June Jordan (1939-2002) including excerpts from Democracy Now and from the February 20, 1999 tribute to her entitled "June Jordan: Affirmative acts / A celebration of the writing, teaching, and activism of June Jordan" (<a href="fullrecord.php?arc=AZ1401a" >AZ1401a</a> and <a href="fullrecord.php?arc=AZ1401b" >AZ1401b</a>). Excerpts from the event include June Jordan reading her poem "On moral leadership as a political dilemma," and her essay "Break the law," Xochi Candeleria and other poets reading poems dedicated to Jordan, Angela Davis reading tributes from Toni Morrison and Alice Walker. Democracy now footage includes Alice Walker, Laura Flanders, Angela Davis and others talking about Jordan, and other readings by June Jordan during her career including "Intifada".