John Hull was a conduit to the southern from the Nicaraguan Contras from his ranch in Costa Rica. Hull claims that he was doing humanitarian work. The Costa Rican government has indicted him for murder and terrorism. Hull denies the Costa Rican charges, insisting the Oscar Arias' government was corrupt, as is the Senate Foreign Relations Committee header by John Carey. He insists that his innocence is evidenced by the fact that the FBI, the CIA, Customs, and the Bureau of Tobacco and Fire Arms have investigated him and have not taken action. He insists that Carey and Ted Kennedy involved the Contras in was, and then abandoned them. This makes them guilty of treason. The interview ends with Allan Nairn.|JOHN HULL'S DEFENSE / John Hull| interviewed by Dennis Bernstein. John Hull was a conduit to the southern front of Nicaraguan Contras from his ranch in Costa Rica. Hull claims that he was doing humanitarian work| the Costa Rican government has indicted him for murder and terrorism. He denies the Costa Rican government's charges insisting that Oscar Arias' government was corrupt as is the Senate foreign relations committee headed by John Carey. He insists that his innocence is evidenced by the fact that the FBI, CIA, Customs, and Bureau of Tobacco and Fire Arms have investigated him and have not taken action. He insists Carey and Kennedy involved the Contras in war and then abandoned them. This makes them guilty of treason. Interview ends when Allan Nairn. RECORDED: 1990.