Part of a thirteen part series which explores the state of the Supreme Court in the 1990's, following the tremendous turnover during the Reagan and Bush years.|THE ROLE OF JUSTICE BRENNAN / Ethan Bronner and Nadine Strossen. SERIES: Supreme court watch : the high court in transition| no. 1 Part one in a thirteen part series which explores the state of the Supreme Court in the 1990's, following the tremendous turnover during the Reagan and Bush years. CONTENT: Bronner, a Supreme Court correspondent for the "Boston Globe," and Nadine Strossen, a New York Law School professor, discuss the role of Justice Brennan in his 34 years on the court, and the future of the court with Judge Souter. RECORDED: Aug. 1990.
Bronner, a Supreme Court correspondent for the Boston Globe, and Nadine Strossen, a New York Law School professor, discuss the role of justice Brennan in his 34 years on the court, and the future of the court with Judge Souter.