A Murder In Memphis

Program Title:
A Murder In Memphis
PRA Archive #: 

A Murder In Memphis / moderated by Mark Lane and Dick Gregory. - Informal speeches by Mark Lane and Dick Gregory which explores the question of who killed Martin Luther King, Jr., and the possible motivations. CONTENT: pt.1. King's program for radical change in the United States| the tactic of nonviolence| opposition to the Vietnam War| joining the anti-war and Civil Rights movements| confronting the economic system| the assassination in Memphis| FBI files| other governmental plots| James Earl Ray as a scapegoat / Mark Lane (60 min.) -- pt.2. Dick Gregory and Martin Luther King| assassination and the CIA| misinformation by the government| violence in Black communities| funding of disinformation| healing through information| other cover-ups| Rodney King beating and trial / Dick Gregory (73 min.). - RECORDED: New York City, 1993.

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