NATIONAL BLACK PASTOR'S CONFERENCE (1980) - CONTENT: Unknown person introduces Dr. George Lawrence, who in his introduction of Dr. Andrew Young, mentions Wyatt Walker. Dr. Andrew Young served as U.N. Ambassador under President Carter, he also served on the National Security Council until 1979, and was the first black in the House of Representatives from GA in 1972. Dr. Young talks about his early days as a preacher, the current economic situation, and the oil crisis that lead the U.S. to begin dealing with the Arab and Islamic world-- who he believes share a heritage with black Americans. Dr. Young addresses the kinship of Christian mission, the shared experience of black nations, the experience of missionaries from U.S. in Africa. Young describes the imbalance of world politics and how the liberation of blacks goes beyond benefiting just blacks. He notes its impact on the whole world, including policy in Africa and what participation in politics has yielded for the black community. - Broadcast date not known.