The poet's voice (Episode 4)

Episode Title:
The poet's voice (Episode 4)
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

This is the fourth episode of "The poet's voice," likely KPFK broadcasted tapes of a televised program called "The poet's voice," a Theta Cable Television series from Los Angeles, 1979 or 1980. The host was TV actor and poet Macdonald Carey (1913-1994) and the poets read their work in front of an audience. This episode includes readings of poetry by deaf poet Joe Castronovo who performs his poetry in American Sign Language while Gary Sanderson interprets in English, and Holly Prado (b. 1938).

Original tape box image: 
Date Recorded on: 
1979? (no recording date on box)
Date Broadcast on: 
KPFK, July 2, 1982
Item duration: 
ca. 30 min.
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archives, 1982
Rights Summary: 
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
PRA metadata viewPRA metadata view

This recording has been digitally preserved as part of Pacifica's American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 grant preservation project, and is available for research and reference . Please contact the archives via telephone: 818-506-1077 or email:  americanwomen at pacificaradioarchives dot org for information on how to obtain a copy of this program. Thank you.

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