DEMOCRACY NOW : JANAURY 11 : WORLD WAR II MEDALS OF HONOR. PAULA JONES VS. PRESIDENT CLINTON / Pacifica Foundation| Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - CONTENT: pt.1. Political headlines (3:00) -- pt.2. Today the Supreme Court is considering the case of President Clinton versus Paula Jones| guest Stuart Taylor, a journalist who wrote a long piece in The American Lawyer, detailing Jones' allegations and Mary Heffernan, a former lobbyist for the National Abortion Rights Action League and one of more than two dozen women who accused Bob Packwood of sexual harrassment and ultimately forced his resignation (16:00) -- pt.3. More on Sexual Harrassment ((4:00) -- pt.4. Honoring Black Veterans| excerpt of tape of Vernon Baker, who as of today is the only living World War II veteran to recieve the Congresional Medal of Honor| excerpt of tape of General Colin Powell| guests David Williams, former company commander in the 761st Tank Battalion an all black unit in General Patton's 3rd Army and E.G. McConnell, an African American veteran who fought alongside Ruben Rivers in the 761st tank battalion, The Black Panthers (15:00) -- pt.5. More on Black veterans (17:00) - Broadcast on January 11, 1997.|DEMOCRACY NOW : JANUARY 10 : PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS / Pacifica Foundation| Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - CONTENT: pt.1. Political headlines (3:00) -- pt.2. Progressive Caucus| discussion about how Noam Chomsky was invited to speak on Capitol Hill in a forum sponsored by the 52 member Progressive Caucus who unveiled their legislative program for the next year| guest Noam Chomsky, Professor and Liquist at MIT (16:00) -- pt.3. More on the Progressive Caucus| guest Barbara Eichenreich, a writer and columnist for Time Magazine| excerpt of a tape by Major Owens, a Democratic Congressional representative from NYC and a leading figure in the Congressional Black Caucus| Excerpt of a tape of Jesse Jackson, former Presidential candidate and head of the Rainbow Coalition (19:00) -- pt.4. More on the Progressive Caucus| guest Robert Borosage, co-founder of the Campaign for America's future and a leading author and activist (17:00) - Broadcast on January 10, 1997.