Democracy Now! August 12, 1997

Program Title:
Democracy Now! August 12, 1997
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Civilian Complaint Review Boards; Police Accountability; Lead Poisoning

(9 Minutes) Civilian Complaint Review Board An extended look at the question of civilian control over law enforcement agencies. GUEST: Chris Reeder, dir. of the Citizens Complaint Office, pres. of the Nat'l Assoc. for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. GUEST: Sam Walker, prof. of criminal justice at the University of Nebraska. GUEST: Will Gonzalez, exec. dir. of the Police Barrio Relations Project in Philadelphia. (19 Minutes) Police Accountability See above. (17 Minutes) Lead Poisoning Lead poisoning of children is still a major public health problem. The CDC issued new draft guidelines for the screening of lead poisoning in children. GUEST: Dr. Andrew Mcbride, dir. of public health in Stamford, CT. GUEST: Dr. Joh Rosen, head of the lead program and a prof. of pediatrics at Montefiore Medical Center in NYC.

Date Recorded on: 
August 21, 1997
Date Broadcast on: 
August 12, 1997
Item duration: 
WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman; August 21, 1997
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