Campaign Finance Abuse Hearings; Bounty Hunters; Wall Street and Public Education
(4 Minutes) Campaign Finance Abuse Hearings Hearings resumed yesterday. Testimony from 3 Buddhist nuns, invonved in teh Sdi Lai Temple findraiser. GUEST: Don Rush, Pacifica Network News reporter. (19 Minutes) Bounty Hunters Recent case of bounty hunters raiding a house and held family at gunpoint. GUESTS: Rick Sherrow, contributing editor of MAGAZINE: SOLDIER OF FORTUNE. GUEST: Gerald Lefcourt, constitutional lawyer. (?) Wall Street and Public Education Discussion of school reform movement, charter schools and why Wall street sees the potential for a profitable global industry. GUEST: Phyllis Vine, journalist GUEST: Michael Moe, dir. of Growth Stock Research at Montgomery Securities. GUEST: Bob Peterson, last year's Teacher of the Year.