Democracy Now! October 28, 1998

Program Title:
Democracy Now! October 28, 1998
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

A CIA State in the Middle East; Clean Money for Clean Elections; Race in the Races

(14 Minutes) A CIA State in the Middle East Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced yesterday that he would postpone the ratification of the new Palesinian-Israeli peace accord until Palestinians show the US a plan to combat terrorism. According to the agreements, the US CIA is to play a role in carrying out the security measures and will to ensure that both sides keep to their promises. GUEST: Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent. (19 Minutes) Clean Money for Clean Elections Voters in Mass. and AZ will have an opportunity this Nov. 4 to decide on voter initiatives known as Clean Money, Clean Elections. These initiatives could significantly reform campaign reform by offering public funds to candidates who establish low limits for personal campaign contributions and disclose their campaign finance activities. GUEST: Ellen Miller, Exec. Dir. of Public Campaign. GUEST: Kaia Lenhart, Political Director of Arizonans for Clean Elections. GUEST: David Donnelly, Campaign manager for Mass. Voters for Clean Elections. (17 Minutes) Race in the Races The Congressional Black Caucus will begin a five-city bus tour tomorrow to encourage African Americans to go to the polls this Nov. 4. GUEST: Dr. Yvonne Scruggs-Leftwich, Exec. Dir. and Chief Operating Officer of the Black Leadership Forum. GUEST: Bob Hennelly, campaign correspondent.

Date Recorded on: 
October 28, 1998
Date Broadcast on: 
October 28, 1998
Item duration: 
WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman; October 28, 1998
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