Immigrant Voter Eligibility and the Latino Vote; The Latino Vote; Eliminating the Prisoner Vote; Election Races Around the Country
(14 Minutes) Immigrant Voter Eligibility and the Latino Vote A look at the status of the immigrant vote and why the INS has had problems processing the 500,000 citizenship applicants. A large portion of these applicants are Latino. GUEST: Rosalind Gold, Sr. Dir. of Naturalizations Programs at NALEO, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. (9 Minutes) The Latino Vote Joining the conversation on the Latino vote is GUEST: Carmen Joge, a civil rights policy analyst for the National Council of La Raza, the largest lativo civil rights organization in the country. (10 Minutes) Eliminating the Prisoner Vote A study and analysis of the statistics regarding convicted felons that are ineligible to vote. All the statistics were fleshed out in a recent report compiled by Human Rights Watch and The Sentencing Project. GUEST: Marc Mauer, Asst. Dir. of the Sentencing Project based in Washington, DC. GUEST: Jamie Felner, Associate Counsel with Human Rights Watch (17 Minutes) Election Races Around the Country GUEST: Bob Hennelley, Democracy Now's election correspondent