Bob Barr and Abortion; Larry Flynt and Media Coverage of Impeachment; Saipan Lawsuit

Program Title:
Bob Barr and Abortion; Larry Flynt and Media Coverage of Impeachment; Saipan Lawsuit
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

(14 Minutes) Bob Barr and Abortion On Monday night, Hustler publisher Larry Flynt revealed that staunch anti-abortion Republican Bob Barr had supported and paid for his own wife's abortion in 1985 and that he had had an extramarital affair. Barr is one of the House managers that are prosecuting President Clinton in his impeachment trial. GUEST: Patricia Ireland, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW). GUEST: Loretta Ross, Executive Director of the Center for Human Rights Education in Atlanta, GA. She previously worked for the Center for Democratic Renewal, which monitors hate groups, writes research reports the activities of their members and traces their connection to mainstream groups and politicians. (19 Minutes) Larry Flynt and Media Coverage of Impeachment GUEST: Jeff Cohen, Executive Director of FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a media watchdog group. (17 Minutes) Saipan Lawsuit In the first-ever attempt to hold US retailers accountable for mistreatment of workers in foreign-owned companies operating on US soil, human rights groups today are filing a class action lawsuit against 18 high profile US manufacturers and retailers, including The Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, May Company, Sears and Wal-Mart. The lawsuit charges the companies with violating federal law by engaging in a "racketeering conspiracy" using indentured labor- composed predominantly of young women - to produce clothing in the island of Saipan. GUEST: Carmencita Abad, a Filipino garment worker in Saipan who worked for SAKO, a firm that produces garments for the Gap and other manufacturers.

Date Recorded on: 
January 13, 1999
Date Broadcast on: 
January 13, 1999
Item duration: 
WPFW; Maria Carrion, Norman Kelley, Amy Goodman; January 13, 1999
Rights Summary: 
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
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