Women's role in saving the environment : Christine Debrahi, Beti Astolfi, and Shafika Nasser / produced by Mary Pat Fisher.

Program Title:
Women's role in saving the environment : Christine Debrahi, Beti Astolfi, and Shafika Nasser / produced by Mary Pat Fisher.
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Ongoing series of interviews with individuals from around the world who are responding to the earth's ecological problems. This program features the views of three women. Debrah, Executive Chairperson of Ghana's Environmental Protection Council, speaks on the impact of women of the environment. Astolfi, from Canada, talks about the need to include women in environmental planning strategies owing to the feminization of poverty. Nasser, Professor of Public Health at Cairo University, Egypt, speaks about the role of women in the environmental movement.|WOMEN'S ROLE IN SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT : CHRISTINE DEBRAH, BETI ASTOLFI, AND SHAFIKA NASSER / produced by Mary Pat Fisher. SERIES: Earthcare : no. 12 Ongoing series of interviews with individuals from around the world who are responding to the earth's ecological problems. This program features the views from three speakers. Debrah, from Ghana and Executive Chairperson of her country's Environemtnal Pretoection Coucil, speaks on the impact of women on the environemnt. Astolfi, from Canada, talks on the need to include women in environmental planning strategies beause of feminization of poverty. Nasser, Professor of Public Health at Cairo University, Egypt, speaks about the role of women in the environmental movement. RECORDED: 1990.

Date Recorded on: 
Date Broadcast on: 
Item duration: 
1 reel (30 min.) : 7 1/2 ips., mono.|29:00
Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1990.
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