Satirical radio drama about six deposed dictators who have come to live in Miami, Florida. They gather for a series of breakfasts at the airport hotel to reminisce and discuss their experiences as former heads of state. They delve into such topics as: kidnappers, popularity, dealing with obstrepherous ministers, and major vs. minor enemies. Includes a scene addes for the American version which reflects events in China and Eastern Europe in 1989.|BREAKFAST IN MIAMI / Reinhard Lettau. - SERIES: The SoundPlay : horspiel series| no. 17 - Satirical radio drama about six deposed dictators who have come to live in Miami, Florida. They gather for a series of breakfasts at the airport hotle to remisce and discuss their experiences as former heads of state. They delve into such topics as: kidnappers, popularity, dealing with obstreperous minister, and major vs. minor enemies. Includes a scenes added for the American version which reflect events in China nd Eastern Europe in 1989. - RECORDED: 1990.