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Program Title:
By any means necessary : the role of Malcolm X in contemporary society / Manning Marable.
PRA Archive #:
Talk by Dr. Manning Marable, Professor of history and political science at the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, University of Colorado. Dr. Marable examines the renewed interest in the life and thought of Malcolm X among College and University students. Marable outlines Black Nationalist traditions, institutionalization of racism, Malcolm X's involvement with the National of Islam, and how Malcolm's last year reflected a reexamination of that church and Black Nationalism.|BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY : THE ROLE OF MALCOLM X IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY / Manning Marable. Restricted distribution rights. Al cassette sales directed to Alternative Racio (303) 444-8788. - RECORDED: Jan. 1993. BROADCAST: Satellite, 6 Jan. 1993.
Date Recorded on:
Jan. 1993.
Date Broadcast on:
Satellite, 6 Jan. 1993.
Item duration:
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1993.
Rights Summary:
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230, Mark@PacificaRadioArchives.org