Evaluation of the Gulf War / interviews by Tom Porter.

Program Title:
Evaluation of the Gulf War / interviews by Tom Porter.
PRA Archive #: 

Discussion with Elanor Holmes Norton, the Washington D.C. representative to Congress, and Admiral Gene LaRoque (retired), from the Center for Defense Information. They provide a discussion of events in the Persian Gulf before the United States led coalition invaded Iraq. Norton says she would ave liked the sanctions to be given more time. She presents an argument for Washington D.C. statehood. LaRoque questions if gas was used against the Kurds by the Iraqi government, which the Bush administration has been claiming as a reason to fight Saddam Hussein.|EVALUATION OF THE GULF WAR / interviews by Tom Porter. - SERIES: Morning conversation from WPFW - Discussion with Elanor Holmes Norton, the Washington DC representative to Congress, and Admiral Gene LaRocque (retired) from the Center for Defense Information. They provide a discussion of events in the Persian Gulf before the US lead coalition invaded Iraq. Norton says she would have liked the sanctions to be given more time. She presents an argument for Washington DC statehood. LaRoque questions if gas was used against the Kurds by the Iraqi government. RECORDED: WPFW, 11 Jan. 1991.

Date Recorded on: 
WPFW, 11 Jan. 1991.
Date Broadcast on: 
Item duration: 
1 reel (50 min.) : 7 1/2 ips., mono.|50:00
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1991.
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