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Blacks -- Civil rights.

This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here.
PRA Archive # Titlesort descending Description Genre Broadcast Date
BB0632 A conversation with James Baldwin

Elsa Knight Thompson and John Leonard, Director of literature and drama, talk with the author of...

KPFA, 6 June 1963.
SZ0678.45 A Judge comes down on the Rodney King case / Bruce Wright ; interviewed by Bob Franklin.

Series which examines contemporary issues concerning the African-American community, and their...


Judge Bruce Wright, of the New York Supreme Court, discusses his views on the Rodney King Case...

SZ0112 Actuality : the civil rights movement.

Speeches, demonstrations, and police harrassment.|ACTUALITY : THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT...

AZ0138 Ben Chavis and the Wilmington 10 / Elizabeth Chavis and Helen Othow interviewed by Angela Davis

Angela Davis interviews Mrs. Elizabeth Chavis and Dr. Helen Othow, the mother and sister of the...

American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination KPFA, November 28, 1977
BB4247 Black awareness (Series record)

Black Awareness was a “Perspective” or "Commentary" series which aired on WBAI in New...

WBAI, May 1970 through at least August 1973
BB0566 Commentary of a Black Southern busrider / Rosa Parks

Discussion of Rosa Park's refusal to give up her seat to a white man and the resulting bus...

KPFA, 20 Dec. 1962.
PZ0002 Dreading the Bakke decision / Arthur Kinoy.

An address by a lawyer comparing the Bakke and Dred Scott decisions and disputes the claim of...

BB4308 Eldridge Cleaver at N.Y.U.

Talk about efforts to achieve equality for Blacks in the United States. Black Panther Party.


Reel 2 is missing.

WBAI, 12 Oct. 1968.
WZ0222 Eleanor Holmes Norton.

Address at a meeting of the Committee on Policy for Racial Justice. Norton addresses herself to...

BB4565 Elijah Turner / reported by James Wilcox.

Speech given by the treasurer of the Congress for Racial Equality (C.O.R.E.).

KPFK, 17 Jan. 1968.
BB0385 Freedom now / produced by Robert Kramer, Chris Koch, and Dale Minor.

Documentary on the 1963 Civil Rights march in Birmingham, Alabama. Contains actuality of the...

WBAI, 1963.
BB0640 I have a dream / Martin Luther King.

Address at the March on Washington about the future of the Civil rights movement.|I HAVE A DREAM...

KPFK, 28 Nov. 1963.
BB4607 I have a dream / Martin Luther King.

Speech about the future and possibilities of Black equality in the United States.|I HAVE A DREAM...

KPFK, 16 Feb. 1964.
IZ0651 Kathleen Cleaver interviewed by Rob Crocker

Rob Crocker, WBAI, interviews Kathleen Cleaver, wife of Eldridge Cleaver, and today representing...

American Women -- Relatives of notable men, American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination WBAI, October 17, 1971
AZ0478 Kwame Toure at U.C. Berkeley / produced by Don Foster.

Speech by Toure, former Black power leader Stokely Carmichael.

KPFA, May 1980.
BB3086 Life springs from death / William Pitnam ; interviewed by Bill Butler.

Pitnam advocates self defense, self reliance, and an internationalist attitude in the struggle...

WBAI, 20 Jan. 1966.
BB3101 Malcolm X : the ballot or the bullet / produced by Charles Hobson and Roberta Kurland.

Selections of Malcolm X speeches demonstrating his approaches to Black Civil Rights.|MALCOLM X...

WBAI, 196-.
BB3072 Memorial for Malcolm X / produced by Ken Wibecan

On the life and work of the slain Black leader. This memorial meeting was held in Rockland...

WBAI, July 26, 1965; KPFA, October 15, 1970
BB4661 Men and women in the arts concerned with Vietnam : benefit for Martin Luther King.

James Baldwin comments and Martin Luther King gives his last speech in Los Angeles.|MEN AND...

KPFK, 4 Apr. 1968.
BC2241 Monopoly, capital and Black liberation / Imamu Banaka.

Discussion of economics and Black civil rights.

WBAI, 1975.
BB3979 National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee 1969 Tom Paine Awards / David Daud and David Dellinger.

Two acceptance speeches from the awards dinner.

WBAI, 24 Mar. 1970.
BB0069 Picket lines for integration : a Northern dilemma.

News report on the picketing of Kress and Woolworth stores in Northern and Western states to...

KPFA, 23 July 1963.
BB4469.01 Racism.

Historical documentary on racism in America during the 1960s.

KPFK, 1 May 1970.
BB0826 Ralph Gleason interviewing Dick Gregory

Humorist and writer Dick Gregory discusses his participation in the Civil Rights movement. Ralph...

KPFA, 23 June 1963.
BB2381 Role of the church in the Black revolution / moderated by H.H. Brookins.

W. Hazaiah Willians, A.C. Williams, and H. Leroy Cannon discuss the importance of religion for...

KPFA, 31 Jan. 1970.
AZ0259 The Ballot or the bullet / produced by Laurie Garrett and Wendell Harper.

Contradictions heightened for those Blacks in the United States Civil Rights movement. The New...

KPFA, Mar. 1979.
BB4393 The Second battle of Selma / produced by Dale Minor.

Documentary on the confrontations over Civil Rights in the South.

WBAI, 26 Mar. 1965.
BB3860.01 The Turbulent 60s / produced by Dale Minor and Bill Schechner.

Documentary history of the social movements which swept the nation during the 1960s. The first...


r.1. Militarism and democracy (58 min.) -- r.2. A Look at youth in the 60s (66 min.) -- r.3....

WBAI, 20 Oct. 1969-17 Mar. 1970.
BB3860.01-.04 The Turbulent 60s / produced by Dale Minor and Bill Schechner.

Documentary history of the social movements which swept the nation during the 1960s.


r.1. Militarism and democracy (58 min.) -- r.2. A Look at youth in the 60s (66 min.) -- r.3....

WBAI, 20 Oct. 1969-17 Mar. 1970.
BC1308 The Wrong rainbow / B. T. Bonner ; interviewed by Don Gardner.

Discussion of the Black civil rights struggle in Texas.

KPFT, 1969.
SZ0173 We are on the move now : a speech by Rev. Ralph David Abernathy / produced by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

On Black participation in the political process. Actuality of Martin Luther King speech.|WE ARE...

KZ0109 What happened to the Black movement / produced by Earl Ofari.

Documentary of the Black civil rights movement from the 1960s to today. Includes actuality.

KPFK, Nov. 25, 1976.
BB3075 Whatsoever a man soweth

This is a documentary on the Mississippi Civil Rights workers Michael Schwerner, James Chaney,...

WBAI, 26 June 1964.
BC0981.01 Women's liberation and Black civil rights / Catharine R. Stimpson (Episode 1)

Catharine R. Stimpson speaks on 'Women's liberation and Black Civil Rights."...

American Women -- Feminism, American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination WBAI, 19 Sept. 1972.
CSVBlacks -- Civil rights.