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Dundee, Fredi.

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PRA Archive # Titlesort descending Description Genre Broadcast Date
BB3711 Life in Mexico / by Fanny Calderon de la Barca ; read by Fredi Dundee.

Reading of de la Barca's descriptive work on Mexico.

WBAI, 3 Apr.-28 Aug. 1968.
BB3488 Mary Queen of Scots / by Antonia Fraser ; read by Fredi Dundee.

Reading of Fraser's novel based on the life of Scottish queen Mary Stewart.


Missing reel C.

WBAI, 29 Mar.-30 Apr. 1971.
BB3668 The Real / by McGonagill ; read by Fredi Dundee.

Poetry reading.

WBAI, 9 July 1962.
CSVDundee, Fredi.