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Indians of North America -- History.

This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here.
PRA Archive # Title Description Genre Broadcast Datesort descending
SZ0131 Contact and settlement.

Satirical history of western expansion and its impact on Indians.

SZ0052 Native Americans speak / Dennis Banks, Russ Redner, and Ken Loud Hawk ; produced by Michael Sroufe.

A history of Native Americans and information about the FBI on the Pine Ridge reservation, South...

KBOO, 1976.
BB0667 Autobiography of an American Indian / Walter Lasley ; interviewed by John McIntyre.

Potawatami Indian discusses his life and the changes on the Kansas reservation since his...

KPFA, 11 July 1964.
AZ1009 John Trudell at CSU Hayward / John Trudell.

American Indian Movement activist, poet, and musician John Trudell presents a personal history...

KPFA, 1994.
BB1314 American Indians and American history / written and read by William Brandon.

Reading of an article in The American West, about mistaken views of Indians in United States...

KPFA, 2 Oct. 1967.
BB4091 What the Indians can teach us / William Brandon ; interviewed by Milton Mayer.

Discussion of the role and importance of Indians in American society.

KPFA, 25 Jan. 1970.
BC0045 A Voice for the American Indian : no. 1 / proudced by Cal Turlock.

Examination of Native American culture, history, and modern political struggles.

KPFA, 29 Apr. 1971.
BC1620 The Pit River Indians : a question of land / produced by Frances Emley.

History of the Indian tribe and their struggles today.

KPFA, Nov. 1973.
BC2887 A Native American bicentennial / Vernon Bellcourt ; interviewed by Tim McGovern.

American Indian Movement leader discusses the inappropriateness of a Bicentennial which ignores...

KPFK, 1 Mar. 1976.
BC2894 John Trudell / interviewed by Tim McGovern.

American Indian Movement leader discusses the church, abortion, revolution, the media, Watergate...

KPFK, 11 Jan. 1976.
BC2886 Dennis Banks.

American Indian Movement leader speaks about the history of Native Americans, the FBI...

KPFK, 16 Mar. 1976.
BC0995 The Way to Rainy Mountain / N. Scott Momaday ; produced by Cynthia Sears.

Momaday reads selections from his second book, about the migration of the Kiowa Indians.

KPFK, 1971.
BC2478 Life and land : a Hopi legacy / produced by Jay Kavdian.

Historical documentary about the four corners area of Southwestern United States which has been...

KPFK, 9 July 1975.
KZ0502 Native American leader / John Trudell ; interviewed by Tim McGovern.

On current Indian affairs.|NATIVE AMERICAN LEADER / John Trudell| interviewed by Tim McGovern...

KPFK, Nov. 21, 1977.
BC2069.02 The original people / Sagga Cook and Joan Hayes Garabedian (Episode 2 of 15)

Sagga Cook (Mohawk Nation) and Joan Hayes Garabedian (Wampanoag-Cherokee) discuss their views of...

American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination WBAI, 1975? and KPFA, 8 May 1975
BB5338A-BB5338AF Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee / by Dee Alexander Brown ; produced by Suzan Shown.

Russell Ayers, Mifaunwy Shunatona, Tiena, Trudy Tanaya Torres, Carole Clark, Karla Miller and...

WBAI, Dec. 1971.
BB5338G Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee / by Dee Alexander Brown ; read by Mifaunwy Shunatona (Part 7 of 32)

Mifaunwy Shunatona reads pages 79-90 from Dee Brown's historical novel "Bury My Heart...

American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination WBAI, Dec. 1971.
BB5338H Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee / by Dee Alexander Brown ; read by Mifaunwy Shunatona (Part 8 of 32)

Mifaunwy Shunatona reads pages 90-102 from Dee Brown's historical novel "Bury My Heart...

American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination WBAI, Dec. 1971.
IZ0327 Our story : rethinking the past, confronting the present, shaping the future / hosted by Kurtis Harris and Ingrid Washinawatok.

Three talks which trace the realities of the Native American experience, from contact with...


r.1. Dr. Jan Carew, historian, on the religious, social, and political conditions in Spain that...

SZ0382 Alvin Josephy / interviewed by Jack Loeffler.

Author and former editor-in-chief of American Heritage, discusses the role of Native Americans...

SZ0384 Filmmaker-artist Anna Sofaer / interviewed by Jack Leoffler.

Discussion of an ancient Puebloan solstice marker in Chaco Canyon, which is the subject of her...

SZ0694 The Mythic Columbus / Howard Zinn.

Historian Howard Zinn, author of A Peoples History of the United States, examines the popular...


r.1. Talk (55 min.) -- r.2. Question and answer session (30 min.).

SZ0031 The Tears of the Navajo / produced by John Walsh.

Documentary on the history of the Navajo from Spanish contact to current U.S. policies.|THE...

SZ0032 The Heritage of the Lakota / produced by John Walsh.

Documentary on the Lakota's history from their origin with Buffalo-calf woman to 1973....

SZ0663.08 Responding to the quincentennial / produced by Alex Van Oss ; hosted by Tantoo Cardinal ; coordinating producer Peggy Berryhill.

Documentary series from field recordings which examines the diverse cultures of Native America....


A mosaic of Native Americans views on the Columbus Quincentenary.

CSVIndians of North America -- History.