NEA Grant 2010-2011

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The Pacifica Radio Archives is proud to present the following 150 hours of original American arts heritage programs created and broadcast by Pacifica Radio stations.

  • Radio Arts: Included are diverse recordings that include radio dramas, literary readings, interviews with artists and music performances.
  • Student Free Speech Movement, 1964: For the first time ever the entire tape inventory documenting this historic movement has been preserved and is now available. Hear the voices of Mario Savio, Art Goldberg, Bettina Aptheker and the students who took a stand against oppression.
  • Pacifica & Politics: Listen to Pacifica's extensive coverage and analysis of historic events, and subjects of national significance such as the Watergate scandal, COINTELPRO, and race relations.

Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and Pacifica station listeners, this one-year project brings to life fragile and deteriorating reel- to-reel tapes of national significance. You can listen free to June Jordan, Gore Vidal, Dylan Thomas, Gary Snyder, Bishop Desmund Tutu, Alice Walker, Suni Paz, Pete Seeger, Dizzy Gillespie, Odetta, Judy Chicago, an Edith Piaf Memorial, Mind's Eye Theater radio drama, Jerry Stiller and Ann Meara , Memorial for Phil Ochs, the 1964 Student Free Speech movement at the University of California Berkeley, and Pacifica's coverage of the Watergate scandal.

We invite you to listen to excerpts, streams and share programs and purchase CD copies if you wish. Thanks to the Adi Gevins, Karen Coyle, Ginna Allison, George Blood Audio, Oleg Kagan, Tracy S. Mitnaul, Marisa Reyes, Joe Gallucci, Jolene Beiser, Darin Avery, and the Pacifica Radio Archives staff and volunteers.

Brian DeShazor
Director, Pacifica Radio Archives
BrianDeShazor [at] pacificaradioarchives [dot] org


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This project is supported in part by an award from the
National Endowment for the Arts.