A Burst Of Light : A Tribute To Audre Lorde

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Program Title:
A Burst Of Light : A Tribute To Audre Lorde
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A Burst Of Light : A Tribute To Audre Lorde / narrated by Linda Tillery| executive producer Ginny Z. Berson. - Biographical documentary on the life and work of Audre Lorde, a Black lesbian writer, who died on November 17, 1992. CONTENT: r.1. Interviews and statements of those who loved Lorde's writings, as well as excerts of Audre Lorde reading selections of her own prose and poetry. Includes excerpts from "Zami: A New Spelling of My Name," "A Burst of Lifght," and "Sister Outsider." (59 min.) -- r.2. Extended readings by Audre Lorde from her own writings. Includes excerpts from "The Black Unicorn," "Zami: A New Spelling of My Name," "The Cancer Journals," "Sister Outsider," and "A Burst of Light." (59 min.). - BROADCAST: Satellite, 21 Jan. 1993. !!RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS!! No cassette sales.

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