Strategies For Transformation : Afternoon Session

Program Title:
Strategies For Transformation : Afternoon Session
PRA Archive #: 

Strategies For Transformation : Afternoon Session. SERIES: Harmonia Mundi conference| no. 6 A Healing Mind psychology conference which explores the synthesis of Eastern and Western psychology through plenary sessions, lectures, panel discussions and workshops. CONTENT: Final discussion and questions from the audience. Issues raised include: success in Tibetan society and family, divorce and violence in Tibet, Eastern vs. Western family values, compassion and survival, planetary action, taking in stride, working with negative and positive mind qualities, what is a healthy person, service to others vs. self envolvement, treatment for schitzophrenia, cooperation vs. competitiveness, the right to happiness concept in America, playing the in Dharma, Dan Elsberg and transformation of consciousness. Concludes with meditation and Tibetan chanting. Panel is comprised of: The Dalai Lama, Daniel Brown, Stephen Levine, Daniel Goleman, Jean Shinoda-Bolen, Jack Engler, Joanna Macy and Margaret Brenman-Gibson. RECORDED: Newport Beach, 4 Oct. 1989.

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