This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 457

Program Title:
This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 457
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This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 457 / Produced by Greg Gordon and Lucia Chappelle. - On going weekly news magazine which explores contemporary gay issues as well as important past events in the gay rights movement. - CONTENT: pt.1. Newswrap| Country and states updates| Colorado Amendment 2 update (12:40) -- pt.2. The procedureal compromise that led to the first discussion about discrimination against lesbians and gays on the floor of the US senate| excerpts from Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Nancy Kasserman (R-KS), Paul Simon (D-IL), Don Nickles (R-OK), and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) (7:55) -- pt.4.3Creating Change conference| guests Melinda Paras, outgoing executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force about the gay and lesbian vote for president and political priorities of the lesbigay community in 1997 (3:35) -- pt. 4. Promo for next week (00:10) - BROADCAST on December 30, 1996.

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