Who killed R.F.K. / produced by Charles Waite.

Program Title:
Who killed R.F.K. / produced by Charles Waite.
PRA Archive #: 

Examination of the Robert Kennedy assassination in light of Theodore Charack's revelations.|WHO KILLED R.F.K. / produced by Charles Waite. Documentary about the assassination of Democratic Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles in 1968. Journalist Theodore Sherack provides evidence that Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted assassin, did not act alone. For additional copies of this program, see: BC0536, and BC1983. CONTENT: Actuality of Robert Kennedy's victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, 5 June, 1968 -- New reports on the scene of the assassination -- Los Angeles coroner Thomas Naguchi -- Unquestioned eyewitness Don Schulman who saw a security guard with a drawn gun -- Official assertions that no security guards were present -- Hotel materde Carl Uker confirmes presence of security guard -- Gene Ceasar, the guard behind Kennedy on the night of the assassination, makes statements against the Kennedy family -- William Harpers ballistic findings which uncover inconsistencies to suggest two guns used in the assassination -- Destruction of evidence, errors in lab and ballistic work, mislabeling of evidence -- Los Angeles officials deny any evidence of a conspiracy. RECORDED: 11 Jan. 1972. BROADCAST: KPFK, 14 Jan. 1972.

Date Recorded on: 
Date Broadcast on: 
KPFK, 14 Jan. 1972.
Item duration: 
1 reel (ca. 45min.) : 7 1/2 ips, mono.|45:00
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1972.
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