Thirteen part series focusing on the pioneering females of country and old time music. Each program is a portrait of a different artist, illustrating her contribution to developing the genre.|HAZEL DICKENS : THEY'LL NEVER KEEP US DOWN / produced by Rachel Anne Goodman. SERIES: Southern songbirds : the women of early country music| no. 12 - Thirteen part series focusing on the pioneering females of country and old time music. Each program is a portrait of a different artists illustrating her contribution to developing the genre. CONTENT: This program looks at Cikens, who writes songs based on traditional ballads and mountain hymns from where she grew up. She sings about working people's rights, and her life growing up poor in the coalfields of West Virginia. BROADCAST: Satellite, Apr. 1990.
This program looks at Dickens, who writes songs based on traditional ballads and mountain hymns from where she grew up. She sings about working people's rights, and her life growing up poor in the coalfields of West Virginia.