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Program Title:
Do you promise not to tell : can journalists keep a secret? / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally.
Series Title:
PRA Archive #:
Documentary on journalists' right to conceal sources.|DO YOU PROMISE NOT TO TELL : CAN JOURNALISTS KEEP A SECRET? / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally. - SERIES: Civil liberties radio education project| no. 5 - Documantary on journalists' rights to conceal sources. Analyzes the fisrt Amendment, the Stanford Decision, New York Times reporter Earl Caldwell and his lawyer Anthony Amsterdam, and radio station KPFK. Funding from the California Council for the Humanities in Public Policy. Series received the Silver Gavel Award, 1980. - BROADCAST: KPFA, July 1978.
Date Recorded on:
Date Broadcast on:
KPFA, July, 1978.
Item duration:
1 reel (61 min.) : 7 1/2 ips, stereo.|62:00
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1978.