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Dick Elman interviews Malcolm X.

Duplication cost + Shipping: $17.95
Program Title:
Dick Elman interviews Malcolm X.
PRA Archive #: 

|DICK ELMAN INTERVIEWS MALCOLM X : LOS ANGELES POLICE ASSAULT UPON A MOSQUE. - Malcolm X details the events which lead to an unprovoked assault upon a Mosque in Los Angeles. The events began when two Blacks where taking clothing from their car and giving them to two other Blacks. When two white police men drove by and observed the activity, they issued an all-points bulletin and ordered the Black men to submit. The response, however, sent the police to a nearby Mosque. The police entered the hall shooting. Seven unarmed Muslims where shot, then arrested and held without hospitalization. Malcolm X details their injuries, and repeats the racist comments radioed by the police men involved. He concludes with an explanation of how Muslims should respond when confronted by the police. - BROADCAST: WBAI, 1961.

Date Recorded on: 
Date Broadcast on: 
WBAI, 1961.
Item duration: 
1 reel (12 min.) : 7 1/2 ips, mono.|13:00
Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1961.
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