The first part of a dramatic reading of the novel The Trojan horse (1937) by American journalist, essayist and author Christopher Morley (1890-1957). In this tragicomic retelling of the Troilus and Cressida legend, published in 1937, the 99.5 Radio Theatre tells a story that transcends the times, casually mixing periods to make a Troy as relevant to the 1960s audience as Saigon. Part 1 tells of Troy in the tenth year of Siege; of how Prince Troilus first sees the Trojan debutante, Cressida, at a pacifist demonstration led by his sister, Princess Cassandra; of an incident at Sarpedoni's, the roadhouse down by the Hellespont; of how Cressida's uncle Pandarus, the financier, arranges their meeting; and of a dinner party that Uncle Pan gives for King Priam and Queen Hecuba, and its consequences. Much of the action of the war is reported over the Voice of Ilium, the Trojan Radio Station.
The cast is as follows:
Cressida: Judith Seto
Troilus: Cliff May
Pandarus, Nestor: Jack Delmonte
The Voice of Ilium, Dares, Fusces: Mike Hodel
Cassandra: Bena Shuster
Diomedes, Hector: John Felton
Antigone, Hybla: Judy Richheimer
Hecuba: Kathleen Dalton
Priam, Calchas, Agamemnon: Albert Norton
Helen: Ursula Kenny
Sarpedoni: Annette Oliver
Paris, Achilles: Peter Frumkin
Aeneas, Cleon, Sentry: Edgar Walker
Antenor, Ulysses: Charles Pitts
Deiphobus, Menelaus: Billie Wasserman
Ajax, Sgt. Teucer: Franc Altman
Andromache, Lyde, Miss Dictes: R. M. Anderson
Newsreel Camera Man: Neal Conan
The song, If, in Days of Sullen Air, written by Martin Last and sung by Alison Miller accompanied by Marilyn Scheuer. Technical production by Fred Friedman, assisted by Edgar Walker. Production assistants, Neal Conan and Ellen Jaffe. Script girl, Nancy Willner. Dialogue Director, Joanna Russ. Narrated, produced and directed by Baird Searles for Pacifica Radio and the 99.5 Radio Theatre. This recording was formerly cataloged as BB3830.10A and as BB3397A.