Nigeria Advocacy Day; Northern Ireland Peace Talks
(33 Minutes) Nigeria Advocacy Day Focus on Nigeria and the fight against the government of General Soni Abacha. This week in Washington, Nigerian democracy activists lobbied Congressmembers. Today, NY city council is holding hearings on a bid to rename the street where the Nigerian consulate is located after Kudirat Abiola. She was gunned down calling for the release of her husband Mashood Abiola. GUEST: Hafsat Abiola, daughter of Kudirat Abiola. Director of the Kudirat Institute for Nigerian Democracy. GUEST: Wole Soyinka, Nigerian Nobel laureate. GUEST: representative of the Nigerian government. (17 Minutes) Northern Ireland Peace Talks Peace talks between Britain and Irish Republicans began this week in Northern Ireland mediated by former US Senator George Mitchell. Participating - Irish and British governments and Sinn Fein, legal political representation of the Irish Republican Army. The Ulter Unionists have stayed away from negotiating table. GUEST: Tony Benn, Member of Parliament for the ruling British Labour Party. GUEST: Bernadette Devlin Mcaliskey, leading human rights campaigner and Republican activist.