Democracy Now! September 19, 1997

Program Title:
Democracy Now! September 19, 1997
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Cuba Bombings; University of Texas; Nuclear Waste Dump

(14 Minutes) Cuba Bombing The Cuban government arrested a Salvadoran man in connection with a series of bombings that have rocked Cuba's tourist trade. The Cuban government has blamed forces in the United States for the attacks. GUEST: Michael O'Heaney, of the human rights group Global Exchange. GUEST: Ninoska Perez, the spokesperson fo the Cuban American National Foundation. (19 Minutes) University of Texas Thousands of students protested with Rev. Jesse Jackson the racist remarks made by professor Lino Graglia at the University of Texas. GUEST: Sheila Walker, prof. of anthropology and the director of the Center for African and African American studies at the University of Texas. (17 Minutes) Nuclear Waste Dump The House of Representatives is now considering a bill to authorize the dumping of low level radioactive waste from nuclear reactors in Vermont and Maine to a site in West Texas. GUEST: Diane Duarrigo, radioactive waste project director of teh Nuclear Information and Resouce Service. GUEST: Martin Mendez, resident of Hudspeth County, the site of the proposed nuclear waste dump.

Date Recorded on: 
September 19, 1997
Date Broadcast on: 
September 19, 1997
Item duration: 
WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman; September 19, 1997
Rights Summary: 
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
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