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Democracy Now! November 17, 1998

Program Title:
Democracy Now! November 17, 1998
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Texaco Lawsuit; Campaign to End the Death Penalty; Update on Iraq/Robert Fiske on the Middle East; Tyrone Gilliam Execution in Maryland

(14 Minutes) Texaco Lawsuit A Federal District Court judge will be hearing arguments today on a class action suit against Texaco brought about by indigenous communities from Ecuador's Amazon basin. GUEST: Joseph Kohn, lead attorney for theplaintiffs on the Texaco lawsuit. GUEST: Chris Jochnik, Coordinator for Latin America at the Center for Economic and Social Rights. (26 Minutes) Update on Iraq/Robert Fiske on the Middle East As the US and Iraq continue waging a war of words, a look at how the crisis is reverberating in the Middle East. GUEST; Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now producer reporting from Bagdhad. GUEST: Robert Fiske, Middle East Correspondent for the Independent of London. (10 Minutes) Tyrone Gilliam Execution in Maryland A discussion on capital punishment following the execution of Tyrone Gilliam. Six others are scheduled to be executed this week. This weekend in Chicago, 28 wrongfully convicted people who were released after coming close to exectuion came together at a conference in Northwestern U. and reminded the world that the execution of innocent people is inevitable. GUEST: Michael Stark, District Coordinator of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty for Maryland, and a close friend of Tyrone Gilliam.

Date Recorded on: 
November 17, 1998
Date Broadcast on: 
November 17, 1998
Item duration: 
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WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman; November 17, 1998
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